We are pleased to advise you that we are able to offer a special designing plan for the modification of your new order. 我们高兴地告知你们,我们可以为新定单提供特别的设计方案。
For example, the modification of an order or the cancellation of a credit card charge can be processed only after the original transaction is complete. 例如,仅在原始事务完成之后,才能修改订单或取消信用卡收费。
Several kinds of anti-fogging principle for glass surface were introduced and the research progress and trend of the modification of glass surface in order to resist fog were reviewed. 本文简单介绍了玻璃表面防雾的几种基本原理,综述了国内外以防雾为目的的玻璃表面改性的研究进展,并对该技术的发展趋势做了论述。
No modification of or release from this Order shall be binding on Buyer unless agreed to in writing and specifically labeled as a modification or release. 没有修饰或释放这条命令约束,除非买方同意以书面明确打成修改或释放。
Genetic engineering: artificial manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA or other nucleic-acid molecules in order to modify an organism or population of organisms. 遗传工程:为了修改一种生物体或生物族群而对去氧核糖核酸或其它核酸进行人工操纵,修改和重组。
Modification of the roadbed expensive soil in the Xiaoxiang highway was carried out with lime and slaked lime in order to enhance the bearing capacity of the road. 采用生石灰和熟石灰对孝襄公路路基膨胀土进行改良处理,以提高路基承载能力。
Based on the modification to LMS ( Least Mean Square) algorithm, a new algorithm of higher order cumulant based sign momentum ( CSM) iteration adaptive LFM ( Linear Frequency Modulation) signal enhancement is proposed. 在对基本LMS算法进行修改的基础上,提出了基于高阶累积量极性-动量迭代的自适应线性调频(LinearFrequencyModulation,LFM)信号增强新算法。
The paper will be helpful to the determination and modification of blood inventory systems 'order point, and is effective for the management of other inventory systems with deteriorating items. 本文的研究有助于血液库存管理措施的制定与改进,对其它易变质物品库存管理也有一定的借鉴作用。
Structure modification to lead compounds existed in the nature is an important means of innovation new drugs in order to improve bioavailability. 从自然界中寻找活性先导化合物,再进行结构修饰,以提高其生物利用度是目前创新药物的一条重要思路。
In the practice of the model, the article explore tentative modification on the selection of parameter with considering the characteristics of the operating in commercial bank, in order to reflect the real incremental value more veritably. 在实物期权的应用中,根据商业银行的特点,对增长期权模型参数的选取进行了探索性的修正,以求更加真实地反映商业银行的价值增长。
The modification of аи-method and its precise order(ⅱ) АИ-方法的改进及其精确阶(Ⅱ)
The modification of a knot of a NURBS curve of order k generates a one-parameter family of curves. This family has an envelope which is also a NURBS curve with the same control polygon and of order k-a, where a is the multiplicity of the modified knot. 改变k阶NURBS曲线的节点,会产生一个单参数NURBS曲线族,该曲线族的包络是用相同控制顶点定义的k-a阶NURBS曲线,这里a是所改变的节点的重数。
Principle and method of length modification for cylindrical portion of the welding neck flanges ( hub thickness at small end) are explained in this paper in order to ensure the flange strength and stiffness, if the cylindrical portion thickness is not equal to the butted shell thickness. 本文阐述了长颈对焊法兰直边段厚度与对接圆筒厚度不等时,为确保法兰强度采取的调整法兰直边段高度的原理与方法。
Novolacs/ montmorillonite nanocomposite was prepared by one-step intercalative polymerization, using caprolactam as the modification reagent of the resins and montmorillonite ( MMT). In order to decrease its brittleness, many toughening methods are adopted, besides the advanced manufacturing technology. 利用己内酰胺同时作为热塑性酚醛树脂内增韧和蒙脱石(MMT)有机改性剂,通过一步原位插层法制备了改性酚醛树脂/MMT纳米复合材料。
The modification of administrative procedure law should be done by extending conditions of prosecution of administrative action and establish administrative suit's system of common good in order to realize the goal of establishing the law. 现有的行政诉讼起诉条件不利于行政诉权的行使,因此,应当修改《行政诉讼法》,通过扩大行政诉讼的受案范围,建立行政公益诉讼制度等方式以实现行政诉讼法的立法宗旨。
Modification of Landau theory on coupling of order parameter with elastic strain 序参量与应变耦合的Landau相变理论表述形式的修正
Micro-PIV ( Micro Particle Image Velocimetry) is a modification of PIV ( Particle Image Velocimetry) which is a well-established technique for macroscopic flows in order to access microscale devices in the late of 1990's. Micro-PIV(MicroParticleImageVelocimetry)即显微粒子图像测速技术是20世纪90年代末在传统PIV技术之上产生和发展起来的对微尺度流动的全场观测技术。
It is quite necessary to make the researches on the surface modification of acrylic polymers in order to improve the chemical and physical properties, as well as enhancing the biocompatibility. 为了提高丙烯酸类高分子材料的理化性能和生物相容性,有必要进行表面改性的研究。
In the image modification the methods of image expansion Image Expansion and Image Thinning is used in order to ease the obtain of the edge information of the target. 在图像修正中又先后使用了图像膨胀和图像细化的方法,便于目标标识物边缘信息的更好提取。
In recent years, structural modification of these compounds in order to improve their solubility and absorbability and reduce their side effects and toxicity has attracted more and more research concerns. 近年来,对这些化合物进行结构修饰,以改善其溶解性、吸收性和降低毒副作用,已经成为新的研究热点。
Stuctural modification of Ber and it was discovered that 8-hydroxy dihydroberberine ( BerH) was significantly superior to Ber on treating diabetic rat models. And the dose of BerH group was lower than Ber group an order of magnitude. 对Ber进行结构修饰,发现其8位羟基取代化合物(以下简称BerH)对Ⅱ型糖尿病模型大鼠疗效均显著优于Ber组,且剂量较Ber低1个数量级。
Recently, various methods of surface modification of CdSe QDs have been tried in order to make QDs to get wider use. 为了使CdSe量子点得到更广泛的应用,近年来人们已尝试采用各种对CdSe量子点表面修饰的方法来扩展量子点的用途。